
Sin's Profile
2002-07-01 - 11:42 a.m.

Name: Sindor Arnon
Nickname: Sin
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Birth Date: December 17th
Birth Place: New Orleans
Hair: Crimson
Eyes: Brown
Skin: Pale
Dress (Style, colors): All black clothing; yellow crosses on the arms of his shirt; an assortment of gold jewelry
To Strangers: Cold, distant, sneaky
To Friends: Trustworthy, calm, determined
Work Experience: Currently owner of a tavern, but also works freelance
Philosophy of Life: You only live once
Habits: Trusting people too easily
Talents: Can stay extremely quiet when he has to; is able to keep from being seen (hides easily)
Hobbies: Working, fixing things, etc.
Sin-esque Songs: "Sanctus Benedictus" by The Tallis Scholars, "Angel" by Dido, "Miserere Mei" by The Machine In The Garden, "Iris" by The Goo Goo Dolls, "Under the Moonlight" by Buck Tick
Best friend/assistant: Henmi (1, 2)
Sketches of Sin: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Colored pictures of Sin: 1, 2, 3

Name Analysis: Your name of Sin gives you a very responsible, stable nature. Your calmness of mind enables you to analyze objectively, and to make decisions quickly, making it possible for you to do well in business or in any professional capacity. Because of your serious, self-possessed nature you can appear domineering and forceful to others. You have a strong humanitarian nature and many times you are called upon to assist others with their problems. Your desire to help sometimes is not appreciated, however, because they feel you are interfering. You are fond of home and children and desire a settled environment. You have an appreciation for music and art, and could express along these lines. Mental tension could result through worrying too much over your problems or the problems of others, with an adverse effect on your nervous system.

*All the rights to Sindor (the graphics and text included) belong to Leah Jenner. No reproduction or republication without written permission.

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