
2004-02-29 - 4:04 p.m.

Alone, I hit my own head in disgust of myself with my fists in the dark basement.

"Stupid, stupid," I muttered loudly.

I suddently felt my right cheek, slightly below my eye, where the man had hit me. A cut had been made and blood was slipping down my cheek.

"Great," I uttered, pulling myself to my feet.

I licked my fingertips as I ascended the stairs into the boathouse. My own blood was cold from the lack of human blood since last night. In the light, I also noticed that my shirt had a large rip across my chest where the door must have snagged on it.

"This is just perfect. I better not be related to this one."

I crossed the boathouse to the open door. Sindor had broken through the lock easily, I saw. The night was still so young that the light hurt my eyes. I walked cautiously out of the house and sauntered toward the house with my hand over my aching stomach, though the pain was dulling.

Sindor came strolling out of the house by the time I was half across the vast yard. I met him half way.


I interrupted, "No, wait. Sin, I am sorry about my behavior, and you need to know that. I never meant to be harsh with you. I was just angry with myself and the situation..."

"That's enough, Lex. I accept your apology, but the next time I show you concern you better think twice about who you are talking to."

"I know, Sin, I should not have..."

Sin placed his hand on my hurt cheek. "You're bleeding." He wiped off the trickle and licked the blood from his finger. "It's cold."

"It is supposed to be. So, are we alright, Sindor?" I asked, placing my hand on his shoulder.

He nodded his head. "I'm hungry."

"I am too, but we will just have to wait."

"There are people inside we can eat," he jested.


"It's true. A woman named Christine, and her husband, Marc. They are LeNoirs. The man who attacked you is named Theodore, and he is Christine's brother."

"Oh thank God, I am not related to the that little demon," I exclaimed, relieved.

"Funny you should say that," said Sin, smiling slightly.

"Why? He is a demon?" I did not feel surprised.

"Possessed, according to the sister. I don't believe that, but there is something definitely wrong with him. He has shown at least three different conflicting personalities. The one who fought you is not the one that I found outside on the ground with a twisted ankle, nor is he the one that the sister acknowledges. That man is really complicated."

"Interesting," I thought. "What did you tell Christine and Marc about us?"

"I told them my name. When they questioned me about Theodore, the boy, I told them that he had fallen after he struck at you, because you had surprised him. Nothing about the attempt at leaving. So don't mention it. And try to downplay your injuries, which should not be that hard."

"Alright. Anything else I should know?"

"Not really. I didn't mention your name, so that is up to you. They do know that I came to get you, so we should return to the house."

So, I followed Sindor to a side door of the large manor that I remembered as the one that entered into the kitchen. It opened at Sindor's knock.

"Please, come in," offered a young woman with long, light brown hair and a pretty face. She has obviously been waiting for our return.

"Thank you. Christine, this is my friend," said Sindor as he led the way into the kitchen.

"You have been hurt, please sit," she said, instantly seeing my abrasion, gestering to a chair at a table. "I will clean it for you."

"You are too kind." I took the sit she suggested as she dampened a cloth. She returned to me and wiped at the cut on my cheek.

"I hope you are not offended with my brother's behavior, monsieur. He is not normally like this," she said.

"It is alright, madame. I am not offended. Just wounded pride." I looked over at Sindor, who still stood by the door. He merely looked back at me.

As Christine wiped away the last of the blood from my face, a dark haired man entered the room and began speaking to Christine.

"Theodore is in his bath now. Oh, you must be Monsieur Arnon's friend. I hope you are not too badly injured," he stated, showing only a little concern. I could see that he was leery of our sudden presence.

I arose from the chair and extended my hand. "I am just fine, thank you. I do appreciate your hospitality." I tried to sound friendly, but I could understand the man's concern for strangers on his property.

The man took my hand. "It is our pleasure, monsieur. I am Marc LeNoir, and this is my wife, Christine."

I nodded in acknowledgement. "And I am Alexander LeNoir," I said.

Marc dropped his hand in surprise. "Sorry?"

"I know you are confused, but it is true. I am a LeNoir as well. My friend and I," I gestered at Sindor, "have been traveling in France in search of my estranged relatives. That is why we are here. We were traversing the lawn from the road when we stumbled across your brother in surprise. I had hoped to introduce myself more properly."

"Not necessary, monsieur," stated Christine.

"Lex, please," I said.

"I am sorry, Lex," said Marc. "But I have never heard of you. I was certainly not aware of any other relatives outside of France."

"I am not surprised. I have been living in the New World with no contact. I was born there in fact. But if you would like to sit down and discuss this," I began, realizing that standing in the kitchen would not help any to understand.

"Oh, yes, certainly. Follow me," said Marc, turning to leave the room.

"And I should check on Theodore," added Christine, putting the cloth in the sink.

"Can I go with you?" asked Sindor, placing his hand on Christine's forearm.

"Certainly," she replied, pleased to have the company.

I followed Marc down the hall and into the library, whose store of books had definitely increased since my last visit to the manor. Sindor followed Christine further down the hall and up the staircase.


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