
The First Night: Intrigue (Part 2)
2002-07-05 - 11:17 a.m.

I stayed there on that darkly lit balcony for close to an hour, just watching him. Never once did he look up at me though. Saddened by this, I decided to follow him once he left.

I crept silently behind him in the shadows of the houses and buildings that lined the road. He never once looked back at me either.

Sindor walked up to a large manor at the end of the road and walked around to the back of it. I followed in the shadows and retreated to the shed that laid just beyond the house. This time he looked around, but did not spot me. I felt a little better about this.

I watched him break into the house, and I was amazed at his skill. Intrigued even more, I decided I would follow the lad home, but then lights flickered on in the house. I remained in the shadows as men surrounded Sindor and knocked him out.

They pulled his body down the front steps as I watched from behind a tree. Maddened as I was at seeing my new interest being taken away, I decided not to attack the men but follow them instead.

They lead me to a small shed on the opposite side of Sindor's tavern. I crept in the shadows to the back of it and had a good view inside by a window. They left poor Sindor on the floor of a separate room and locked him in.

Since it was easy for me to open the window and get inside, I walked silently toward the motionless Sindor. I rolled him gently over, noticing his beauty even more now that I was so close, even through the dirt that slightly covered his face. I put my hand under his head to give him alittle support, but I quickly drew it out, blood rolling across it.

Alarmed, I pushed myself away from Sindor as I looked at the blood. Ah, how I wanted to taste it, and how easily it would be to take him that instant. But I found that I could not.

I wiped my hand on the ground as I heard the men discuss what they would do with the bounty on Sindor's head. I walked over to Sindor again and picked him up. How light he was. I had to push him through the small window to get him out of the shed, and I heard him thud on the other side. I slipped through as well and picked him up again.

I walked silently away from the shed never sensing anyone around to come and claim him back. I walked straight back to my flat over looking the river, which took quite a long time. Sindor never once made a noise along this journey, but I thought it wise of him, so as not to bring attention to ourselves.

As I walked up the stairs, Sindor's head rolled against my shoulder and stayed there, looking rather comfortable. As much as I enjoyed the pressure on my shoulder, I had to lay Sindor down on my bed to sleep.

I watched over him all night and then when I could no longer keep my eyes open at the approaching sunlight, I left him. I made sure to lock the doors before I made my way to the secret chamber that contained my coffin.


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