
The Indiscriminate Incubus (Part 2)
2002-08-29 - 5:25 p.m.

Before we departed on the ship, we all stopped at a tavern for food. However, Alexander wouldn't let me watch him as he fed, and told me go over to the counter with Adhemar. Adhemar was talking with the bartender. I assumed he meant to eventually feed from him, but why he seemed so playful about it was beyond me. I ordered something to eat and listened to Adhemar and the bartender speak.

"And what do you know about it?" asked the bartender, rolling up the sleeves of his shirt to reveal his muscular upper limbs.

Adhemar rested his arms on the counter and smirked. "I know everything about such things," he answered.

I didn't know what they were talking about, of course. Knowing Adhemar, it's something bizarre.

Adhemar gave me a side-glance before he continued. "Why, in New Orleans but a few weeks ago, I had one passed out," he continued. "Weak ones pass out, you know. When I'm done with them�"

"What are you saying?" I asked him, afraid that he was revealing vampire secrets. I knew Adhemar was talking about Henmi, but I wondered why he would talk to the barkeep about him.

The barkeep looked at me strangely before turning to another customer who was requesting a drink.

Adhemar grabbed a hold of a lock of my hair and pulled me closer. "He's a murderer, Arnon," he whispered. "Just play along�" He released me when the bartender returned, and turned his attention back to him.

"Well," the barkeep said, moving his brown hair out of his face, "Forgive me for doubting your talents."

"You're forgiven�" Adhemar smirked.

"But what do you think of women?" the barkeep asked casually. It was then that I realized that they hadn't been about vampires at all.

"Oh, you know us men. Of course we like women, but we get tired of them after a while�" Adhemar began, leaning forward and moving closer to the barkeep. "We get tired of their shrill voices, their femininity, their emotional fits, their dark, subterranean crevices of lust." Adhemar held the collar of the barkeep's shirt with one hand and pulled him closer, whispering, "But what of other men, then?"

The barkeep didn't answer, and instead pulled Adhemar forward into a deep kiss. Adhemar didn't resist; in fact, it looked as if Adhemar wanted it. I watched impassively as Adhemar, the ethereal, dark-haired beauty of the night, and the unnamed, rugged barkeep acted like lovers who had just been reunited after a long separation. I wondered why Adhemar didn't just take his victims' blood; he always had to make a big show of it.

Still kissing, Adhemar pulled the bartender into a back room, shutting the door behind them. I sighed and shook my head in exasperation. Adhemar has that kind of effect on people�

A few minutes later, another employee brought me my food, and I paid her with the money Alexander had given me. Shortly after, Alexander came back to me when he had finished feeding. Ella came back as well, but we were still waiting on Adhemar. God knows why he's taking so long� I thought.

We waited a while longer, and he finally emerged from the back room, head raised with pride, his usual smirk present on his face. I didn't want to know why.

All of us then walked back to the boat. Alexander and Ella decided to go tour the boat, but I was tired and decided just to go back to the room. Adhemar went with me.

When we arrived, I asked him, "�you didn't really� with Henmi� did you?"

"Of course not, Arnon," he answered, smiling. "I wouldn't."

"For some reason, I really doubt that."

"Aww, come on�"

I sighed and changed the subject. "This trip is going to be horrid."

"Why's that?" he asked.

"I� don't like ships. They make my head ache�" I answered.

"We'll be home soon enough, kid. Then you won't have to go on a boat anymore," he said. "Look on the bright side."

"Do you miss it? Is this why you act like this?" I questioned.

"Do I miss what?" Adhemar asked.

"The sun," I said. "Do you miss it?"

"Hmm�" he mused. "A bit. But I don't mind living only at night. All the fun things happen at night, after all. Eh, Arnon?"

I sighed and laid down on my bed, closing my eyes. "I knew you would say something like that."

"Forgive me for being predictable."

"You're forgiven."

We both looked at each other for a moment, and then laughed. After we talked for a while longer, Alexander and Ella returned.

When the boat finally left the dock, sunrise was approaching, so the three of them entered their coffins to sleep, leaving me with nothing but my nausea and headache for company.


*All the rights to Sindor (the graphics and text included) belong to Leah Jenner. No reproduction or republication without written permission.

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